First Name: Kathryn
Middle Name: Joanne
Birthday: June 22nd 1989
Which would make me: 16
Siblings? 1...but I'm not sure if rabid animals count do
Pets: 1 dog - Rudy (Newfoundland and Saint Bernard mix)
Hobbies and Interests: Reading,
writing (but only if I get to read/write what I want), soccer, hockey (man I wish I'd gotten to play), classic cars, drawing,
photography (but that might just be a phase).
Places I've been to: Florida and Ottawa and New York...yep,
that's about it...but we're going to PEI July 29th!!
Job? Yep, two
Single? For me to know and you to...well, yeah, for me to
Shy? Sometimes
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Red...strawberry blonde...whatever you want to
call it. We had a huge debate about it last year....or was that last semester?? Oh well.
Skin tone: Very very pale unforunately.
Want to know anything else? E-mail me or add me to msn or
yahoo (addresses are on the 'Contact me' page)