Miserable Bliss
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Shoutouts to My Friends

You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!

Emily M
You're one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Thanks for always being there.
Had some great times over the last few years. Don't be surprised if I show up at your house a lot this summer now that you've got a pool!

Emily W
AKA 'Woody'.
Nah I won't be mean. You're great to be around. If only you'd stop hitting me. Then again, maybe if I stopped tickling you and grossing you out, you would. I suppose I could bring myself to stop the tickling, but I don't see me becoming any less dirty in the near future so I hope you're at least used to it by now.

Rachel M
Mayo! Thanks for being a great friend, helping me out even when I could tell I was really pissing you off.
I'll keep an eye out for you either on ice kickin some ass or on stage singin your heart out in the years to come!

We've had some good times in the past. Tons of inside jokes, I honestly can't remember half of them anymore.
Looking forward to working at the camp with you!

Had a blast getting to know you better. I love your house! Can I have it!? Can't wait for more of the good times to start rollin.
I'll be keeping an eye out for you too....somewhere...(hockey, rugby, what'll it be!? There's so many!)

You've been amazing all the years I've known you, and somehow even more in the last little while. You're stronger than anyone I know, keep your head up, things can't get any worse.
Thanks for everything. Who loves you, baby?!

Rachel A
Thanks for being there, you're a great person. Hold your head high, don't back into the shadows. Things do get better eventually, everything has to balance out and remember we're here for you.

Don't ever stop acting! I want to see your name up in lights some day! You've got an amazing talent. I'll be watching for you on stage.

I'm really glad I got to know you. You are so much fun to be around! Always so laughing...you're crazy. Here's to the fun to come!

If you don't see your name on here, please don't be offended or anything, it doesn't mean I forgot you or I don't think of you as a friend. You know who you are.